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English is not a tonal language like Chinese, so rising and falling tones depend more on the context and on the emotions the sentence is trying to express. For example: Why did you do this to me? The emphasis when saying it would be on "why" and then on "do." But it could also be on "me" if the person asking thinks other people were treated better and only the speaker was treated unfairly: Why did you do this to ME? The same with a sentence like How may I help you? There is emphasis on the word "How" and also on "help." But if a sentence is not conveying any emotion, you may find there is no special emphasis on the question word: What are you reading? (The emphasis ends up on the last word-- "reading.") When will we have lunch? (Again, the emphasis is on the last word, "lunch"). Sometimes the question word will be said in a questioning tone of voice, but this is not always the case. Most listeners understand that a question is being asked because they hear the question words (who, what, why, etc).

If English is not your first language, I would advise that you go to a website where you can hear English spoken, and it will become very clear which tones are used when asking a question, and which words receive emphasis. I enclose a link to a very useful site at the Voice of America.

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6mo ago

In English, intonation typically rises at the end of "wh-" questions like who, where, when, what, and how. This rising intonation indicates that the question is not yet finished and shows that the speaker is seeking information.

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12y ago

In some languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, the tone of the word changes the meaning completely. One word ("ma" for example) can have different meanings, depending which of the five basic tones is used (Cantonese has as many as seven tones) when the word is spoken. I enclose a link about how these tones may be expressed on the printed page: there are marks that look like arrows. An up or a down arrow over the word shows which tone is used to produce which meaning.

English is different: while the tone may show an emotion, the word remains the same. In a script for a play, the director may indicate in the stage directions what the emotion is, by describing it. Also, punctuation marks in English can show that a sentence should be asked in a rising tone, which expresses a question, or a flat tone, which expresses a declarative statement. For example, "Marie went out to eat with Joe?" has a different tone, and an entirely different meaning, from "Mary went out to eat with Joe."

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13y ago

tone unite and tonic strees and tonic ?

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Q: Is intonation rising or falling in who where when what how questions?
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Example of rising intonation question?

Questions answerable by yes or no are rising intonation. Questions starting with wh like: Who, what, where, how, and why are falling intonation. examples: What's your nam? Where do you live? Who are your parents? How old are you? Why are you here?

What are the type of intonation?

The answer is rising intonation and falling intonation

What are two kinds of intonation?

there are two kind of intonTION rissing and falling intonation

Rising intonation and falling intonation with dialog?

The inflection of one's voice involves rising and falling intonation.

What are the two types of intonation?

The answer is rising intonation and falling intonation

What are the pattern of Intonation?

rising and falling intonation.

Example of rising intonation-falling intonation?

the rising intonation is answerable by yes or no and end by a question mark?....................but the falling intonation not answerable by yes or no and end by a period.

What is the difference between falling and rising intonation?

When your pitch increases in a particular manner it's called rising intonation. When your pitch decreases in a particular manner it's called falling intonation.