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Most people would probably say "oh course he's hot". Others may disagree. But here is an answer that doesnt involve a personal opinion, therefore a real answer.

It is a question someone else can't answer for you as it is about personal opininons. Some might think he is and some might think he's not. In my opininon I think he is hot but has a cute little baby face. That was an answer but my person opinion therefore an answer you may or may not agree with.

I personaly love Jacob in the book, he's hot and native. But I must say that Taylor left much to be desired in his role as Jacob Black. His extentions (which I will admit is not his fault) looked like extentions, and he is sooo scrawny. I am afraid of what he will look like in New Moon

He's not even Native!What kind of BS is that, the first native heart throb in forever and a hispanic is playing him.

First of all, I think that Jacob is really hot, in new moon he is amaizingly gorgouse. Believe me, I saw it, just to prove it, when I saw it in the theaters everyone was like whisteling, and screaming, but in a good way. Plus, hes like french, and dutch, he also lost the lame wig and looks better.

Yes, I think Jacob Black is definetley Hot in the Book. Taylor Lautner is also Hot playing Jacob. But he is not really what I pictured Jacob Black to look like.

Of course he is hot! He's a wolf! Wolves are supposed to be hot. But if you were talking about how he looks then my answer is still oh course he is hot.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Duh! Edward is obviously.................. SO MUCH MORE AWESOME than Jacob (boo him)! Think about it- on a scale of one to ten, who much more forgiving and kind is edward than Jake? Like a nine or something! Plus, who cares about Bella more? the Cullens or sams pack? IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT! Jacob just tries to take advantage of Bella when edward isn't around. He is a heck of a jerk!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Jacob Black

You should be able to figure that out yourself, but, yes, Jacob is way hotter! Well in Twilight Jacob didn't look as hot in New Moon because of his wig, but after that, he was still hotter than Edward.

JACOB BLACK!! so hott! xoxoxo :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well there are two ways to answer this. I believe Edward is stronger than Jacob because he fights so hard against the thirst he has for Bella's blood. Edward is strong enough to be close to her while still yearning for her blood. Jacob doesn't have to fight anthing for Bella...except for Edward. About who is stronger physically I have no Idea because we never saw them fight I'd like to think Edward is stronger but they could be equal or Jacob could be stronger. I hope this has been helpful.


Team Edward all the way!!

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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Beauty is subjective and varies from person to person. Some may find Jacob hotter while others may prefer Edward. Both characters have their own unique qualities and appeal to different individuals.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Sad to say it, But no, stefan is not hoter then him

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ok. Some people argue but most people say Jacob is hotter sorry Edward fans!

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Q: Is Jacob hotter than Edward in Twilight?
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EDWARD CULLEN definitely but Jacob is hot too but no where near EDWARD CULLEN'Shotttnesss!! :) LOLwhatever Jacob is way hotter than Edward even jasper and Emmett are cuter than Edward plus he wears to much make-upABOUT THE SECOND ANSWER:SHES A DORK / I'VE MET EDWARD CULLEN OR ROBERT IN PERSON