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Ralph, Piggy, and Simon represent rationality, civilization, and morality, which puts them in conflict with the other boys who succumb to their primal urges for power and violence. The three boys' values clash with the growing savagery and chaos within the group of boys, leading to tension and conflict.

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Q: In what sense are Ralph Piggy and Simon in conflict with the rest of the boys?
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Why would piggy pretend that the idea to call with the shell was Ralph's?

Piggy likely pretended that the idea to call with the shell was Ralph's because he wanted to avoid confrontation or conflict with the other boys. By giving credit to Ralph, Piggy may have hoped to maintain a sense of harmony within the group and avoid being singled out or further marginalized. Additionally, Piggy may have recognized that Ralph's leadership position made his ideas more likely to be accepted by the group.

Who did the boys pick for the leader in lord of flies?

In "Lord of the Flies", the boys pick Ralph as their leader. He is chosen because of his charisma, sense of responsibility, and ability to bring them together in a time of crisis.

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Piggy continues to support Ralph as leader because he sees Ralph as the most sensible and rational leader among the boys on the island. Piggy recognizes Ralph's ability to make decisions based on reason and logic, which gives him confidence in Ralph's leadership. Additionally, Piggy feels a sense of security and safety when he is aligned with Ralph, as he is aware of his own vulnerabilities and relies on Ralph for protection.

In what sense do Ralph and Piggy make one whole boy while dealing with the coach?

Because Piggy knows how to blow the conch but Ralph is the one who actually blows the conch

How is Piggy different from Ralph?

Ralph admires piggy because piggy has a clear sense of things. He doesn't think about the negatives. And he doesn't think things that will get him scared. He states the truth and lives with it. that is what makes him who he is.

Are Piggy and Simon friends in Lord of the Flies?

Yes, Piggy and Simon are shown to be close companions in "Lord of the Flies." They share a sense of vulnerability and isolation on the island, forming a bond through their understanding of the other boys' behavior and their own struggles. Their friendship is characterized by mutual respect and genuine care for each other.

In lord of the flies how was the weather on the night Simon died?

The weather on the night Simon died in "Lord of the Flies" was stormy and chaotic, with strong winds and heavy rain. The storm added to the sense of darkness and confusion surrounding Simon's death.

Why is Simon the only one in doubt the existence of the beast in lord of the flies?

Simon was not the only one who doubted the existence of the beast. At the meeting where the beastie was first raised Ralph insisted, "But there is no beast." Ralph also called another meeting to settle once and for all that there was no such thing as a beast. At that meeting Piggy also refuted the possibility of a beast by stating that "Things wouldn't work, radios and TV and things, they wouldn't make sense if there were beasts and ghosts and stuff, its not scientific." After Ralph called for a vote to decide if there might be such a thing as the beast Piggy stated, "And remember that I voted NO for the beast."

In what sense do Ralph and Piggy complement one another while dealing with the conch?

Ralph represents the leadership and authority associated with the conch, using it to maintain order and call meetings. Piggy, on the other hand, provides intellectual support by advising Ralph on how to use the conch effectively and reminding him of its importance. Together, they form a balanced partnership that combines physical and intellectual strengths in managing the group.

Why do Ralph and piggy participate in jack's rituals?

Ralph and Piggy participate in Jack's rituals because they are afraid of being excluded or targeted by Jack and his followers. They also hope that by participating, they can maintain a sense of order and control in the group.

Who treats the littluns the best in The Lord Of The Flies?

Simon and Piggy are the characters who treat the littluns the best in "Lord of the Flies." Simon shows kindness and care for the younger boys, while Piggy acts as a protector and voice of reason for them. Both characters try to create a sense of unity and support among the littluns in the novel.

In lord of the flies what does piggy suggest that Ralph should do with the conch shell?

Piggy suggests that Ralph should blow the conch shell to gather the boys and reestablish order and civilization on the island. He believes that the conch represents authority and should be used to maintain a sense of structure and unity among the group.