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In "The Giver," members of the community do not have free choice in their jobs, spouses, or families. The elders assign roles and responsibilities based on skills and preferences, resulting in a lack of individual autonomy in these aspects of life.

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Q: In what areas of life do the members of the community have free choice the giver?
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What specific items are provided for members of the community The giver chapter 4?

In Chapter 4 of "The Giver," specific items provided for members of the community include assigned household bins for recycling, bicycles for transportation, and special clothing for dispensing medication. These items are regulated and assigned by the community to ensure efficiency and conformity among its members.

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In "The Giver," birth mothers are highly respected and valued in the community because of their vital role in bringing new members into society. They are seen as selfless and essential contributors to the well-being of the community.

When were community members released in The Giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, community members were released when they reached old age or when they were deemed to be incapable of contributing to society. This release was actually a euphemism for euthanasia.

In the giver why do you think the members of the community are forced to take medication to suppress their sexual impulses what purpose does this serve?

Members of the community in The Giver are forced to take medication to suppress their sexual impulses in order to eliminate strong emotions and individual desires that could disrupt the harmony and stability of the society. By controlling these impulses, the community aims to maintain order, conformity, and predictability among its members.

Why does the community in The Giver eliminate music?

The community eliminates music in The Giver to maintain control and conformity among its members. Music can evoke emotions and individualism, which goes against the community's goal of sameness and predictability. By removing music, the community ensures that its members remain in a state of emotional restraint and uniformity.

What does the discussion of assignments reveal about the community's The giver?

The discussion of assignments in "The Giver" reveals that the community highly values conformity and control. Assignments are given based on the community's needs, with little room for individual choice or exception. This emphasis on sameness and predictability reinforces the restrictive nature of the society in the novel.

Why does the community does not want its members to experience Stirrings in the giver?

The community in "The Giver" does not want its members to experience Stirrings because they are seen as emotions that could lead to individuality and disruptions in the controlled society. Stirrings are considered a threat to the stability of the community, as they can lead to unpredictable behavior and challenge the uniformity that the society values.

Where are the people thrown in the community after they are release?

Release is the term used when members of the Community (from the book The Giver) are sentenced to leave. Most of the members believe that the people that are released leave the community for another place. In reality, the people being released are injected with a lethal injection, and their bodies are thrown away.

What are some of the feelings the people in the community not known in the book the giver?

This is because the people in the community do not have any knowledge, they even do not know what is love!

In the giver what probably happened to the members of the community after Jonas and Gabriel left?

The memories were released, they could feel emotions and see colors again. There was chaos inside their community.

In the book The Giver where are all ceremonies held?

In the book "The Giver," all ceremonies are held in the Auditorium. It is a designated space within the community where important events, such as the Ceremony of Twelve, take place under the watchful eye of the community members.

What is more important safety or freedom of choice in the book of the giver?

In "The Giver," the community prioritizes safety over freedom of choice. They believe that strict control and conformity are necessary to avoid pain and conflict. However, the protagonist Jonas challenges this belief by seeking personal freedom and individuality.