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His eyes are not supposed to turn red after he drinks blood. Only the new born vampires eyes are red. When Edward has not drank blood in awhile his eyes are darker/black and when he does drink blood they lighten up to that golden color.

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5mo ago

In "Twilight," when Edward sucks the venom out of Bella's wound, his eyes turn black because he absorbs Bella's human blood. Only when he drinks human blood do his eyes turn red.

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15y ago

Because he did not kill her or because he waz not turning her into a vampire

Hope this helps:)


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14y ago

Maybe not enough blood or maybe he doesn't swallow.

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Q: In twilight why are Edwards eye not red after stucking venom out of Bella?
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No, Edward injects the venom into Bella's body, because she is dying.sorry but that answer is wrong.yes, edward does bite Bella. he inject some of his venom into Bella's heart, but also bites at her wrists and ankels to get more venom into her system to try and save her. Jacob sees this whiles hes doing CPR, and thinks Edwards drinking her blood until he sees that he is licking the wound to seal it not to drink and starts to try and save her again.also Nessie also bites Bella when she is first born and see Bella for the first time, but Nessie is net venomus.

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Well James bit her then edward sucked the venom out :)

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He was trying to suck all of the venom out of her if your talking about the bit with James and Bella in the ballet studio.

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If you are talking about when Bella gets bitten by James and Edward has to suck the venom out of Bella, he didn't want to suck the venom out because he craves for her blood and once he starts he cant stop. Blood is like a drug to vampires so he thought that he couldn't stop when he started.

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There are 3 more books about her and Edward but to answer your question no she didn't die.She almost did if it was not for Edward getting the venom out of her system that is what i call true love.

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Bella got the scar in twilight for James a tracker. he tricked Bella into thinking that he ha her mother so that he could kill her. but when James bite her(on her wrist) venom sarted spreading in her arm but edward sucked it out but she still has aliitle venom there it always colder there to

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James bites her in Twilight, and then Edward bites her to suck the venom out.Edward bites her a lot when converting Bella to a vampire, in the final novel. He does this because she is dying.

How edward once again saves Bella?

in twilight sucked the venom from her system but before saved her from getting crashed by a friends van