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Doug Hoo wrote these clues. He thinks Turtle is a brat, because she kicks people in the shins, and has bad temper, and is just very rude.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Sandy McSouthers wrote the clue "Braided kicking tortoise is a brat" in the Westing Game.

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Q: In the westing game who wrote the clue that said braided kicking tortoise is a brat?
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Why did doug hoo write braided kicking tortoise is a brat?

Doug Hoo wrote these clues because he thinks Turtle (or Tortoise as he calls her because shes apparently big and mean), the girl with the braid who kicks people in the shin, is a brat.

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Why didn't judge ford believe that westing had been murdered?

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The story in "The Westing Game" is narrated from a third-person omniscient point of view. This means the narrator knows and can share the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters throughout the book.

Who wrote the book The Westing Game?

"Wildly imaginative, ...with her own special blend of intricacy, humor, and upside-down perceptions, [Ellen Raskin's] books nonetheless touch on the autobiographical. Although Ellen Raskin is not rich and never has been rich, she still has hope-". This is why she wrote The Westing Game, among many other books.