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In Breaking Dawn, right after child birth, she'd lost alot of blood, the only way to save her was to turn her into a vampire right then. so yes.

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5mo ago

Yes, in the Twilight series, Bella becomes a vampire to save her life because her half-vampire baby was draining her of all her strength and nutrients during pregnancy. The transformation into a vampire was necessary to help her survive the dangerous and potentially deadly situation.

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Q: In the Twilight books does Bella become a vampire because the baby was killing her?
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In twilight does bella become a vampire?

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Bella does not become a vampire in twilight but does end up being one in the end anyway.. i do not want to tell you what movie because i don't wanna spoil it lol Bella does become a vampire, not in Twilight, but in the last book Breaking Dawn.

Will Bella in twilight become a vampire?

yes in breaking dawn! Yes Bella Swan Becomes a vampire in the last twilight saga book breaking dawn. edward bites her.