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No. I am sorry to say you are too young. It's even tough for older people to adopt children unless you have a lot of money and buy your way through a lawyers service. There are lots of chances to adopt later on in your life. It's a lot of work bringing up a baby and very expensive as well. Marcy

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19y ago

In general you must be 21 years of age before even be considered a candidate for adopting or fostering a child. The actual process of adoption is much more complexed then simply be "old enough." There are some rare exceptions, which would be, someone under the age of 21 wanting to adopt their spouse's child/children. I'd also add that, apart from legal considerations, adopting often (always?) comes with significantly more issues than having a child biologically (which certainly has enough of its own!) ... while a minimum "age" may or may not be terribly important, having some years of perspective and life experience under your belt will serve you well. Don't rush into adoption!

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11mo ago

In most places, the minimum age requirement to adopt a child is 21. Being 18 years old usually does not meet this requirement.

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Q: If you are 18 can you adopt a child?
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No, to adopt a child you have to be at least 18 years old.

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Depending on the state 18 or 21.

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I think that in any state you must be 18 years of age to adopt a child. However, your state may have laws about the requirements you need to adopt a child.

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When you are 18, you are an adult by law and no one can adopt you legally.

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Rosalie and Emmett do not adopt a child

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There is not a way to adopt a person at the age of 20. After the age of 18 they are considered an adult.

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'Signing over their rights to a child' sounds like adoption here. Most states have laws set about who can adopt. Usually people over the age of 25 and / or married couples. Not to say that you cannot adopt under the age of 25, but I do believe that you must be at least 18 to adopt a child in some states. Minors under the age of 18 are not considered adults, and therefore cannot adopt children.

Is it easier to adopt a child from china or the US?

It is easier to adopt a child in the US.

Can Americans adopt a child in UK?

yes you can adopt a child almost anywhere

How do you adopt a child on pixie hollow?

You don't adopt a child , only a fairy.

What country is the quickest to adopt a child from?

That would be your own if you adopt a foster child.