"Risked" by Margaret Peterson Haddix has a total of 69,772 words.
They are amiko and malamiko.
foe and opponent
Adversary, rival, enemy, challenger
In this world you will have many friends and enemies.
bullying, annoying, talking
talking, annoying, bullying
A rightist
Nemesis, enemy, and antagonist can all be used as synonyms for foe.To name just a few: enemy, nemesis, rival...For more synonyms for this and/or other words, go to thesaurus.com.
A thesaurus is like a dictionary. Look up "enemy." You will find words like opponent, adversary, foe, rival, antagonist, combatant, challenger, competitor, etc.
These were the words Julius Caesar used when he pardoned Cicero for having been among his enemy during the civil war. These words were a sign of his respect for Cicero's intellectual prowess and his moral rectitude.
Foe and Rival. Nemesis is another one.