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what kind of a question is this lol.....hopefully none because he si not a real person :'(

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5mo ago

It's difficult to determine an exact number as individual experiences and reasons for breakups vary. However, it's worth noting that Edward Cullen is a fictional character from the Twilight series, and romantic decisions are typically based on real-life factors rather than fictional characters.

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14y ago

Really only 1; Jasper. Maybe there were more but it never said it in any of the books. Probably all the people in the school.

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Edward Cullen is a Vampire because Carlisle Cullen changed edward because Carlise grew attached to him in hospital when Edward was dying of Spanish Influenzia. So Carlise took him back to his home and changed Edward. Hope that answers your Question.

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Edward Cullen..... [: because Carlise is Edward's dad so he is the grandpa.

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Edward was actually the first to be adopted into the Cullen family.

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Actually its a novel....yes he is immortal because he is a vampire......... but i don't know if he will die if a car hit him

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Her name is Renesmee Carly Cullen because of Bella ad Edward's mothers Esme and Renee and Carly is because of their fathers, Charlie and Carlisle and Cullen is because that is there last name. If it was a boy the name would be Edward Jacob Cullen.

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Probrably not because Edward Cullen is a fictional character (unless you share the same name) Good Book seiries though.

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No, that can't be true because she is married to Edward who is last name is Cullen so she will be Bella Cullen or Mrs Cullen!! :)

Can Edward Cullen kill you?

Yes, because he is a vampire.

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Edward Cullen would win because he is younger and more flexible but i woudnt know because I'm not either one of them.

What is Edward Cullen's dad's name?

Edward's father is Carlisle Cullen. He is a well known doctor in Forks. In real life, his dad's name is Richard and he imports cars from the U.S. actually when edward was human his father's name was edward also