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There is an awful lot of savagery throughout Lord of the Flies. At the beginning, they are too scared to even kill a pig, " because of the unearable blood" with Jack being unable to stab it. This however only makes makes him more urgent to prove himself by being savage. They also decide to have rules, but Jacks savage side is showed with his urgency to unish rule breakers. We are then directly told that Jack has a savage side "the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up", but at this moment we are safe, because he only wants to kill pigs. Meanwhile, the other boys are still abiding by the rules of the outside world, like when roger is throwing rocks at Henry, "there was a space around Henry... into which he dare not throw" After this he killing begins- with them first killing a sow (mother female pig). They have killed the piglets mother, and the piglets too, showing they have no regard for the innocnece. They are also loosinh all sense, as they kill babies, so the pig supple will soon run out. They get more and more savage, with thm becaoming a tribe and killing simon, with a war ance and fire.

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6mo ago

The author, William Golding, demonstrates the boys' descent into evil in "Lord of the Flies" through various events, such as the breakdown of social order, the rise of violence and brutality, and the emergence of savagery in their behavior. As the boys are left to govern themselves on the island, their inherent darkness is revealed as they prioritize power and survival over moral values and cooperation. These factors culminate in tragic consequences as the boys' innate savagery takes over, leading to the ultimate loss of innocence.

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The inherent evil in all mankind is the main theme of the novel, along with how quickly we revert to savagery when we are removed from civilization.

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Q: How does the author show the increase in evil the boys lord of the flies?
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How does the author show the increase in evil in the boys?

The author demonstrates the increase in evil in the boys through their actions, such as hunting and violence towards one another, as well as the gradual breakdown of society norms and rules on the island. The boys' descent into savagery is also depicted through their growing obsession with power and control over each other.

In lord of the flies what is the beasts true identity?

The "Beastie" is the evil inside everyone of the boys. This evil is the force that kills Simon. In physical identity, the boys mistook a dead paratrooper for a jungle "Beastie"

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The beastie or beast is not a real person or creature. Although at varius times the boys think that it might be a snake-thing, a giant squid, a ghost or a winged creature with sharp teeth and claws it is none of the these things. The beast is simply the boys themselves, it is the capacity to do evil which lies inside us all.

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it doesnt get on it, it comes from the boys themselves. evil isnt a concrete thing, it was hidden within the characters and showed itself when the perfect situation arose.

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In "Lord of the Flies," flies are often seen swarming around the pig's head, known as the Lord of the Flies. This symbolizes the presence of evil on the island and the boys' descent into savagery. The flies also represent decay and the moral corruption of the boys as they lose their humanity.

What evil act do the boys commit during the hunt in lord of the flies in page 134 to 135?

During the hunt in "Lord of the Flies," the boys commit the evil act of brutally killing Simon while he is mistaken for the beast. They descend into a frenzied state, fueled by fear and darkness, and tragically murder one of their own in a moment of complete savagery.

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See No Evil - Hardy Boys novel - was created in 1987.

In the book 'lord of the flies' what is the representation of the lord of the flies?

Golding, the author, refers to a dead pig's head which has been stuck on a spike as the symbolic "Lord of the Flies." It also represents the evil in everyone.

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Piggy's glasses in "Lord of the Flies" symbolize intelligence, reason, and the fragility of civilization. They are used to start fires, a crucial tool for survival, but eventually get shattered, representing the breakdown of societal norms and the descent into savagery. Piggy's inability to see without his glasses also mirrors the boys' inability to see the consequences of their actions clearly.

Could you give me an example of metaphor personification imagery allusion in Lord of the flies chapter 4-6?

In Lord of the Flies, a metaphor is used when the "beast" represents the darkness and evil within the boys. Personification is seen when the author describes the forest as being alive and watching the boys. Imagery is depicted through the vivid description of the island, evoking a sense of isolation and fear. An allusion is made to the Bible when Simon encounters the Lord of the Flies, mirroring the temptation of Christ in the wilderness.

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