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I can't have the same incomplete dominance as my aunt

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5mo ago

In a breeding experiment, we observed that the flower color of the offspring displayed incomplete dominance, with the heterozygous individuals showing a blending of the two parental colors rather than one dominant color.

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Q: How do you use the word incomplete dominance in a sentence?
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Pictures of incomplete dominance?

Incomplete dominance is when neither gene is completely dominant over the other, resulting in a blending of traits. A classic example is the snapdragon flower, where a red flower and white flower cross to produce pink offspring. This creates an intermediate phenotype that is a mix of both parent traits, illustrating incomplete dominance.

How do you use the word incomplete in a sentence?

Incompletely is an adverb that means in an unfinished or incomplete manner.I asked him a question, but he answered it incompletely.The final prototype of the lunar rover was incompletely assembled.

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How do you use the word dominance?

Dominance refers to the state of being in control, having authority, or being more powerful than others in a particular context. For example, in a social hierarchy, an individual or group may exhibit dominance over others through behaviors such as assertiveness, aggression, or territoriality. Dominance can also be observed in nature among different species competing for resources or mates.

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Is this sentence correct i am goin to pass the first grade?

No, the pronoun I is always capitalized; the first word of a sentence is always capitalized. If you must use the incomplete word goin, it must be followed by an apostrophe to indicate the missing letter, goin'.The correct sentence is:I am going to pass the first grade.

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Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.