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start with. wats up? if he wants to talk, he'll say nothin(probs! =]) start talking about something you both know you like. get invloved start with. wats up? if he wants to talk, he'll say nothin(probs! =]) start talking about something you both know you like. get invloved

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3mo ago

You can start by asking about his interests or hobbies, as people usually enjoy talking about something they are passionate about. Complimenting something specific about him can also help break the ice. Remember to relax and be yourself, as confidence can be attractive.

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Q: How do you start a conversation with a boy you really like but you're usually kinda shy?
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how do you start an intresting conversation with a girl you really love

How do talk with a guy that you really like?

just be yourself start a conversation

What are conversation starters?

it helps me by saying hi how was your day. how is the family. how was school. you can really start a conversation by asking any question

How do you ask a girl out if you are really shy?

Maybe start a little conversation with her or her friends. And start to become friends.

How do i get a girl i don't really see to like me when it is hard to start conversation...?

Start with hello and remember stay cool

How do I start a conversation on facebook with a boy?

If you do not actually know the person, you should not start a conversation with them via facebook. You can never actually be sure if people really are who they say that they are on social networking sites.

How do you become really good friends with your crush?

Talk to him- find out what he likes and start a conversation, if he's the right one for you a conversation should come easy. GOOD LUCK

What word you use to start a sentence?

I usually respond based on the context of the conversation.

Does a guy expect you to start conversation or does him start it?

well if you sit by him and he dosn't talk to you start a conversation

I am 15 and i get nervous about talking to girls unless they start to talk to me first which usually doesn't happen How do i start a conversation with a girl i don't know?

start by saying HI!

How can I become a girls friend when you only talk 2 times a week?

Asker her for her number so you can call her for help with something, then kinda start up a conversation when you call, and if it works out, there you go.

You text this girl now and you always have to start the main conversation but she keeps it going does her not texting you first mean she is annoyed by you?

Generally guys are known to start the conversation first, so if she does she really wants to talk to you, if she doesn't, well its expected.