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Piggy's glasses get broken when Jack gets back from where ever and everyone is angry at him because he let the fire go out and a plane has just gone by or a ship i cant remember ... piggy stands up to him and says "you said you would keep the fire going" which he didn't. jack gets angry as piggy is standing up to him and "stuck his fist into piggy's stomach" he also "smacked piggy's head" which made his gl;asses fly off and tinkle on the rocks.

hope this helps

sorry if its a bit crap

*Piggy's glasses get broken when he tripped on his own feet and fell on them, he is fat and crushed them

Piggy's fat did not crush his glasses. Jack broke them when he got back from hunting. Everyone is mad at him because he let the fire go out and a ship just passed by. Piggy stands up to him and Jack smacks him in the head which sends Piggy's specs flying. That's how they broke.

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14y ago
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5mo ago

Piggy's glasses broke when Jack's tribe attacked Ralph's group and stole the glasses to start a fire. Piggy was hit by a rock thrown by Roger, causing the glasses to fall off and break. This event symbolizes the loss of reason and intellect on the island.

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12y ago

Piggy is the most intelligent, rational boy in the group, and his glasses represent the power of science and intellectual endeavor in society. This symbolic significance is clear from the start of the novel, when the boys use the lenses from Piggy's glasses to focus the sunlight and start a fire. When Jack's hunters raid Ralph's camp and steal the glasses, the savages effectively take the power to make fire, leaving Ralph's group helpless.
->it represent knowledge and intelligence because they had used his specs/glasses to make a fire

-> a timeline of the boys (when piggy came the glasses were clean and neat but as time went on they got dirtier and the boys became more savage)

->power of the fire ( used for food heat and only real resource of getting rescued)
-Spoiler warning-

Piggy's specs light the fire. Piggy represents logic; the voice of reason. The boys need fire for both rescue and cooking, thus making Piggy (logic) necessary for survival. This necessity is rendered obsolete, however, when Jack steals the glasses.

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12y ago

Piggy's glasses represent insight , and intellect. Whenever piggy got an idea his glasses sort of flashed. Its the same as when in cartoon, when a character gets an idea and a lightbulb flashes over his/her head. When jack breaks one of piggys lenses that symbolized the end of piggy's sight of intelligence, which is why he could not see his death. And even in a way that foreshadowed that piggy's death was coming soon.

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16y ago

It signifies the end of knowledge and knowledgeable rule on the island. The island is now going to be controlled by ignorant people.

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13y ago

Because the were the only thing that could make fire. Without them, making a new fire is next to impossible.

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9y ago

Piggy's broken glasses foreshadow his coming death, but overall, the broken glasses symbolize the breaking down of society in the Lord of the Flies.

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