The three tallest boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies" were Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. Ralph was described as the tallest among the boys.
Yes, Jack is older than Ralph in "Lord of the Flies." Jack is described as being bigger and more commanding compared to the other boys on the island, including Ralph.
Jack and his boys stole a car from the neighbor's garage.
In "Lord of the Flies," the three boys described as the "three blind mice" are Piggy, Ralph, and Jack. They are referred to in this way because they fail to see the dangers and consequences of their actions on the island.
When Jack emerges with the choir, he is described as a commanding figure with an air of authority. The choir follows him in an organized manner, displaying discipline and military precision. This scene sets the tone for Jack's leadership style and establishes his dominance over the boys.
the other boys feel like they need to jack in the group. while they are building the signal fire the boys sneak off and go and join Jack's group.
Jack !
Jack Apramian has written: 'Georgetown Boys' -- subject(s): Armenian Boys' Farm Home
Jack wishes to contribute to the survival of the boys by hunting pigs. Jack thinks that hunting pigs is the most important thing they can do to survive.
Jack wishes to contribute to the survival of the boys by hunting pigs. Jack thinks that hunting pigs is the most important thing they can do to survive.
sam and Eric don't get treated well well by jack and his boys they just go along with them.