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10mo ago

No, Edward does not die at the end of The Twilight Saga. He remains alive and is with Bella, his love interest, throughout the series.

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15y ago

Of course not, why do you think he dies, he may get in a fight with the voltury but the voltury is out-numbered

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15y ago

Please read the books!

No, Edward does not die.

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15y ago

in new moon Edward tries to get the volturi to kill him because he thinks Bella has commited suicide but lives in the end

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14y ago

Noone dies in final book

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Q: Does edward die at the end of The Twilight Saga?
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Seventeen...he is always seventeen... If you mean to ask how long he has been "alive" at the end of the Twilight Saga, the answer is 106 years.

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Edward Cullen born in 1901 was bitten by Dr. Carslie Cullen when he was 17. Therfore gaining imortality so he wont age. Edward is still 17, but if he were ageing he would be around 108-112 depending on which twilight saga you are reading

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At the end of the Twilight saga, the main characters Bella, Edward, and their daughter Renesmee survive. Many other vampires and werewolves also survive the series, while some characters meet their demise throughout the story.

Dose edward die in twilight new moon?

No Edward don't die he just leaves Bella cause he thinks he is dangerous but he comes back at the end

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