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Many of today's public speakers have ways to look at their speeches that are not immediately visible to the TV audience: for example, there can be a prompter on the lectern or podium, hidden from the view of the camera. Years ago, prompters were huge and you couldn't miss seeing them. These days, a prompting device can be placed in such a way that the audience cannot see it. This allows the speaker (in this case, Joel Osteen) to glance down at it as he needs to. He may also place some notes or file-cards with significant points on the lectern, and those aids too would be hard for the TV audience to see.

However, it is a fact that the best public speakers are able to give a speech without reading it. Mr. Osteen has considerable skill, which comes from years of practice and from knowing his subject matter. So, he may be reciting certain things from memory, but more likely, he is also glancing down at his prompter or his notes, and you cannot readily see him doing it.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Kay Crenshaw

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βˆ™ 11mo ago
Joel Osteen glances up (at a teleprompter?) periodically during his messages. what's he looking at?
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Yes, Joel Osteen is known to deliver his sermons primarily from memory without using teleprompters or notes. He is skilled at adapting his delivery and connecting with his audience through eye contact and engaging storytelling.

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Televangelist uses teleprompters at each camera. The audience canβ€˜t see it, as it’s hidden above lens. The 3 point glancing and smiley squinting is when Osteen is capturing new lines to share. This is coming from a prior camera media staff for a similar TV preacher.

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Kay Crenshaw

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βˆ™ 11mo ago

He glances up a number of times during message - is it a teleprompter?

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