Yes skandar keynes do have pets he has 2 cats named puss and boots
Skandar Keynes was born on September 5, 1991. So, if you're planning on sending him a birthday card, make sure to mark your calendar for that date. Just don't expect him to invite you to his party, he's probably too busy being fabulous.
Skandar Keynes's birth name is Alexander Amin Casper Keynes.
Skandar Keynes likes pizza and subway.
Skandar Keynes was born on September 5, 1991.
Skandar Keynes was born on September 5, 1991.
Can we see a picture of skandar keynes house.
Skandar Keynes weight is unknown. Skandar is 20 years old and is from London, England. Skandar is most known for appearing in Narnia.
The favorite team of Skandar Keynes is Arsenal.
A: no!
Skandar Keynes is an Athiest;which means he doesn't believe in godsSkandar Keynes is an Athiest;which means he doesn't believe in gods