There is no public information available about Cassie Davis having children.
Cassie Davis was born on August 5, 1986.
As of my last update, Cassie Davis' current residence is not publicly available.
cassi Davis was born on July 31, 1966
it is cassandra Davis
Do It Again - Cassie Davis song - was created on 2009-08-07.
If You R talking about 'Cassie Davis' The Aussie Singer, Then yes!!! She has and Older Sister Emma Who is Cassie's Manager. And Together They Own: 12StonesEntertainment!!!!! And They Have A Younger Brother Who Is Jo (Joseph) Who is The Guitar Player In Cassie's Band!!!Cassie also has a younger sister called Lara.
Cassie Davis
There are two famous women in show business that respond to the name Cassie Davis or Cassi Davis. The first one is an Australian pop-rock singer and producer, she is reportedly not married and doesn't have children. In the other hand, Cassandra 'Cassi' Davis is an American TV actress, but doesn't seem to have kids either.
No, they are not related.
Cassie Davis was born on August 5, 1986.