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It's a medecine cat name, and yes, she did.

Also the reason why she chose Jayfeather is because Jaypaws father is Crowfeather so Leafpool is Crowfeathers mate thats y she chose jayfeather as his medicine cat name

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

No, Leafpool did not choose Jayfeather's warrior name. Jayfeather chose his own warrior name, Jayfeather, to honor his connection to StarClan and his ability to sense messages from them.

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Warrior cats leafpool?

If you're asking who Leafpool is, then Leafpool is a light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. She becomes ThunderClan's medicine cat in the 2nd series 5th book which I forgot the name. Leafpool's mother and father are Firestar and Sandstorm. Her sister is Squirrelflight. Her mate was recently Crowfeather from WindClan and her kits are Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze. Leafpool's apprentice is Jayfeather and Leafpool's mentor is Cinderpelt. Leafpool later quits being a medicine cat and becomes a warrior while Jayfeather takes over as medicine cat.

Why does Leafpool become a warrior instead of staying as a medicine cat?

Leafpool becomes a warrior because she falls in love with Crowfeather and wants to be with him. Pursuing a relationship as a medicine cat is forbidden, so she decides to become a warrior to be with him while still staying true to the warrior code. This decision ultimately leads to consequences for both Leafpool and the Clans.

What is Lionpaw's warrior name?

Their warrior names are Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf respectively. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf receive their names in Eclipse (Book 4 of the third series, Power of Three) and Jayfeather receives his name from Leafpool in Long Shadows, book 5 of 'Power of Three.'

Does Firestar know about Leafpool having kits?

No till mothpaw (can't remember her warrior name) says it at the gathering then jaypaw becomes medicine cat because lefpool steps down she's still in the last bookLast edit my B2stluber on March 27, 2012:Not mothpaw. Hollypaw. Her warrior name is Hollyleaf.

What happened to Leafpool after Jayfeather became ThunderClan's medicine cat?

After Jayfeather became ThunderClan's medicine cat, Leafpool became a warrior once again. She continued to serve her Clan and support Jayfeather in his new role. Leafpool remained a respected and valued member of ThunderClan.

Who is the 3 kittens mother in Warrior Cats?

Firestar's mate Sandstorm is the mother of their three kits: Leafpool, Squirrelflight, and two unnamed kits who died.

Is Leafpool Hollyleaf's mother?

Yes, Leafpool is Hollyleaf's biological mother. Hollyleaf is one of Leafpool's three kits, along with Jayfeather and Lionblaze.

What is the name of a mother nursing kits in warrior cats?

A mother nursing kits in Warrior Cats is often referred to as a queen. Queens are responsible for nursing and caring for their kits in the warrior cat community.

What evidence is there about Crowfeather and Leafpool?

Well first of all they ran away together. Also there is evidence with Jayfeather's name. Leafpool got to name him so she made his last name "feather".

What is the name of mother nursing kits in warrior cats?

A queen is a she-cat expecting kits or nursing them. Also medicine cats are not allowed to have kits, but Leafpool disobeyed. Sometimes queens will claim each others kits as well.

What is Poppypaw's warrior name?

Dovepaws's name is going to be Dovewing in the book Warriors:The Fourth Apprentice The Sign of the Moon.Ivypaw's warrior name is going to be Ivypool also in The Sign of the Moon.Dovepaw saved Icecloud from the same tunnel Hollyleaf fell into,But thank Starclan Icecloud id still alive.Ivypaw did well on her assiment catching 2 mice with a partner Hazeltail that made her pass.Dovepaw almost failed but if Spiderleg hadn't told to Firestar how she save Icecloud,she wouldn't be a warrior.So Dovepaw's warrior name is Dovewing and Iypaw's warrior name is Ivypool- by Swiftbreeze =)

When does sandstorm first have kits?

She has her two kits, Squirrelkit and Leafkit, in Firestar's Quest. It is soon after she and Firestar return to Thunderclan that she gives birth.