Bella was turned into a vampire because...
Bella was pregnant with Renesmee and when it was time to give birth renesmee started to tear her way out of the womb, and the only way Edward could save Bella was to change her, so that is how she changed hope that helped
Bella was turned in to a vampire because...
Bella was pregno with Edwards baby she was about to die going into birth having his baby but edward bite her and changed her into a vampire now Bella & Edwards baby is half mortul half vampire
Yes. After Bella had her baby she was dying from the pregnancy because since the baby was half vampire it was eating her insides and was chewing half way through her stomach. And Edward did not wan't for Bella to die so he decided that he would turn her into a vampire just to save her life.
Bella had some familiarity to the supernatural, and it's possible that wanting to be a vampire came from her soul after meeting Edward. She still wanted to have children, and nearly died when Renesmee was born. After becoming a vampire, she became sterile, but was content to have just 1 child.
Bella does want to be a vampire. She wants to be like the rest of her family. But Edward is very against it. D:
Rosalie's problem was she didn't want Bella to be a vampire. Rosalie didn't want to be a vampire herself so she tell Bella to enjoy her life as a human
because Bella and Edward have made a vampire and also because Edward is going to turn Bella in to a vampire.
Yes, Bella desperatley wants to be a vampire x
Well there argument is about Edward turning Bella into a vampire. Simply Edward does not want to turn Bella into a vampire as he loved her and he didn't want her life thrown away.
Some important facts to know about Bella and Edward are: Bella: She is human. She is in love with a vampire. She wants to be a vampire. She doesn't think she is good enough for Edward. Edward: He is a vampire. He's been alive for 109 years. He hates what he is. He loves a human. He doesn't want Bella to change into a vampire.
Bella is now a vampire but the volturi want Renesmee
Rosalie doesn't think Bella should want to be a vampire. She was forced into this state against her will, and she would rather be dead than be a vampire. Bella is still young, and Rosalie thinks it's stupid to want to throw her life away like that. There is much of her human life that Rosalie would kill to have, but Bella doesn't care about any of it.
Yes, but Edward doesn't really want her to.
Edward and Bella's Daughter is both Human and vampire ,no its not edward bit Bella so Bella is a vampire then they had a baby and the baby is a vampire because both edward and Bella are vampire parents!
Since he's always tempted to bite Bella, he makes a joke out of it and say that it'd be nice to not always want to bite her and I think that' it's smart because he's not risking his life, I'm sure Edward won't appreciate Bella dead.
Bella wants to be a vamp because she wants to spend forever with Edward Cullen