she is a lonely girl that jjust wants to be with MArius. i played her last year in our big production of Les Miserable. it was a lot of FUN!!!
There is Maggie the girl with red curly hair, and Jane - but Dakota Fanning already has that part. . .
A wii can be very kid friendly. Getting games such as mario kart or rayman can be great games for 8 year old girls to play.
Well i am a 12 year old girl in florida and i play soccer in AYSO which stands for american youth soccer organization. They have AYSO in a bunch of different states and areas it is a blast. But if ur lik a girly girl u could always do dance or something. i hope this answered ur question. :)
They could.
There are many thing a ten year old girls can do. For example, she could play with her friends, draw pictures, read a book, watch tv, go outside (jump rope, bike ride, draw with chalk, blow bubbles, play a sport), listen to music, etc.
there are loads as long as u try ur bestby the way add me on
Just the JLY(Just Like You)/MAG(My American Girl) dolls
If a 12 year old has gone through puberty, he could get any girl pregnant. He can get his sister or any other girl pregnant.
Yeh obviously who ever heard of a eleven year old girl who could never sing.
A girl can get into acting by going to your school and ask to be in a play or something.