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Ralph throws his spear towards the boar but misses it, feeling the exhilaration of hunting.

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Q: 4. What does Ralph do when the boar charges?
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Related questions

What did Ralph help spear in chapter 7?

A boar, Ralph was the only one that hit the boar.

Does it hurt when a boar charges at you?

yes, it will.

Who hit the boar with the spear lord of the flies?


Who hit the boar with his spear lord of the flies?


When Ralph strikes the boar on the snout with his spear how does he feel?

Ralph feels exhilarated and powerful as he successfully hits the boar, asserting his control and superiority over the hunting expedition.

Who wounds a boar by sticking his spear into its snout?

Ralph throws a spear at an advancing boar and the spear hits its snout.

What does Ralph accomplish that he is quite proud of in chapter 7?

Ralph stood his ground in the pig run, as the boar rushed towards him, and then took aim and threw his spear at the boar, hitting it in the snout.

What do Jack and the boys do when the boar charges?


What does jack and the boys do when the boar charges?


How does Ralph feel about hitting the boar with the spear?

In an effort to be accepted by the hunters, Ralph throws a spear and hits the boar. Unfortunately, the spear doesn't stay in the animal and it runs away. Therefore, Ralph is unable to gain acceptance from the hunters.

What happened when Ralph wounds the boar?

At the beginning of the novel when Ralph, Simon and Jack are exploring the island they stab at a pig. They try to deny this after it happens because they don't want to come to terms with their actions.

What does Ralph hit in the nose whit a spear and jack call the beast?

A boar.