Spain was least involved in the slave trade.
Countries involved in the middle passage were America and Africa.
What is the 3 main countries who were involved in the slave trade?
Mauritania made slavery a crime in 2007 and Niger made it a crime in 2003.
It would be easier if you asked what countries did not have a period of Slavery. Virtually every country or the area that is now a particular country had used Slaves at some time in the past.
Slavery was legal and accepted at the time of the Salem witch trials. However, it did not factor into the panic or trials.
There was no slavery in Africa before the Europeans got involved!
The countries involved in trade during the industrial revolution were Britain, USA, Africa and part of Canada. there was two types of trade one was slavery were they used to trade African slaves, and the other was when they traded goods during industrial revolution. by lisa....
Not just America was involved in slavery. There was England, America, and, obviously Africa. They traded slaves and goods in what is called the Triangle Trade. (If you don't know what that is, Google it.) They were all involved in slavery for money and goods to be imported to their country.
A triangle means witch craft or a demon involved in witch craft
With witch countries does Canada share its bourder with?
Whole bunch of people and Villingers. the afflicted and the acused were the main people.
Governer Phips was involved in the witch trials by establishing the court, over ruling the court, and then disbanding the court.
Slavery is an outrage that violates the human rights of those involved in it.
The Portuguese and the Spanish
was like bad