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Q: Why would Germany ultimately be blamed for starting World War 1?
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What country was blamed for war world 1?

Germany was blamed for starting World wasr 1. They sunk the Lusitania and sent the Zimmerman telegram, which was intercepted by the United States. Hi.

How did the peace agreement made during the Paris Peace Conference differ from Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Answer this question…It officially blamed Germany for causing World War I.

What caused Germany to have severe financial problems after World War 1?

Germany was blamed for starting WW1, and was embarrassed after losing. They were forced to give up a lot of land and money.

Why was Germany excluded from the league of nations?

One reason Germany was excluded was because they were blamed for starting World War I. Also, Germany supported neither the League of Nations nor the Treaty of Versailles.

Why is Germany blamed for World War 1?

ANSWER1. Germany invaded the neutral country Belgium. 2. Germany was blamed for WWI because of their "excesses" of war.

Who blamed Germany for World War 1?

Everyone did

Was The Treaty of Versailles blamed the US for World War 1 true false?

False, Germany were blamed.

Who did President Wilson blame for World War 1?

President Wilson blamed Germany for World War 1.

Was Germany responsible for starting both World War I and World War 2?

No. Austria started world war 1, however Germany was blamed on starting it and had to sign a treaty accepting ALL responsibility for the damage. Germany started world war 2. WW1-no because Austria-Hungary started it but Germany had to sign the treaty of Versailles WW2 did start because of Germany because of the German dictator Adolph Hitler.

Who was blamed for World War 1 at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles?


Was chamberlain responsible for starting World War 2?

No - Hitler was blamed for starting the war.

Who blame Germany in whole troubles in world war 2?

The entire world blamed Germany and the Nazis for all the deaths and genocide of the Jews. They blamed the Germans for not killing Hitler at the begginning. They blamed the criminals at the Nuremburg Trials for not stopping all the atrocities and for not stopping Hitler.