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Q: Why were the two crisis imortant factors world war 1?
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What are two factors that increased interdependence among the nations of the world?

two factors that increased the interdependence among the nations are the rise of democracy and the increase in technology.

What are two things that contributed to the economic crisis in Germany before World War 2?

There were several issues that helped create an economic crisis in Germany in the years before World War Two. Prior to 1933, Germany had been hit with runaway inflation and problems paying the war reparations of the Treaty of Versailles. These two issues placed post World War One Germany in an economic depression. After the Nazi's gained control of Germany, they violated various parts of the Versailles Treaty, and placed the country on a "war footing". With borrowed funds they began to fuel the making of their war machine.

Name are two factors that contributed to economic growth in the Zhou dynasty?


Can there be two of you in the world?


What were the short term effects on the world after World War 2?

The Cold war (both short term and long term). The polarization of the world between the two sides also led to the Korean crisis, the Berlin airlift, the uprisings in both Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The Marshall plan was also a short term affect upon the world that reaped long term benefits, as the US helped to rebuild the world. Also there were power vacuums created by the WWII. Both Britain and France began to lose their colonial possessions. This meant freedom to lots of differing countries

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What is the two imortant industry in Northen Ireland in 1900?

Ship building and Engineering.

Why we're the two crises important factors?

The two crises were important factors because they disrupted the stability and wellbeing of the people involved. The Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, while the Watergate scandal revealed widespread corruption at the highest levels of government. Both events had significant implications for national security, trust in government, and the balance of power in the world.

Why why were the two crises important factors?

The Moroccan Crisis (1905-1906) was the first crises and was one of the long term causes of World War One. The fight over control of Morocco broke down the trust between the major European Powers. The second crisis was the Bosnian Crisis (1908-1909) and was caused by Austria-Hungary's desire to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina. This crisis led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand which triggered the breakout of the war.

Why were two crises important factors in world war 1?

The Moroccan Crisis (1905-1906) was the first crises and was one of the long term causes of World War One. The fight over control of Morocco broke down the trust between the major European Powers. The second crisis was the Bosnian Crisis (1908-1909) and was caused by Austria-Hungary's desire to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina. This crisis led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand which triggered the breakout of the war.

Discuss the main demand and supply factors responsible for soaring food prices in the world in 2008 Suggest two possible strategies that may help to ease the world food crisis?

Increase in food supply lol and a decrese of human life (population [<<< tht was for all them dumb people out there :D])

What are two factors that increased interdependence among the nations of the world?

two factors that increased the interdependence among the nations are the rise of democracy and the increase in technology.

What finally brought the employment crisis to an end?

The first unemployment crisis from the Depression ended with World War Two. when the US entered the war, millions of peoplpe were employed in factories and assembly lines for the war effort.

How many syllables are in the word crisis?

The word crisis has two syllables: Cri-sis.

What two world crises did Eisenhower face in his second term?

The 1956 Suez Crisis, for one. The next crisis Eisenhower handled was the Gary Powers incident, when his U-2 was shot down by a lucky SA-2.

What are the two types of goal?

of crisis intervention two goals

What is conflict between two or more people?

* A tension between two or more characters that leads to a minor crisis and/or a major crisis or climax.

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i dun knw =P