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they were really full of themselves because of Christianity and wanted to be better than everyone else and have all the best spices from India and conquer foreign lands and have super completed maps so they worked hard and teched hard, got super advanced navigational equipment for that time and then explored to their hearts intent

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Luke Bahr

Lvl 1
1y ago
What an idiotic, sycophantic answer! It has more to do with politics and geography than religion. No other Continent had as many ports at the time than Europe, which led to advances in ship building and Europeans loved spices, which mostly came from Asia.
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Luke Bahr

Lvl 2
1y ago

It is mostly due to geography and politics. No other continent had as many ports as Europe in the early global exploration age and that led to advances in ship building. Also, many Europeans loved spices, and spices mostly came from Asia, which at first had to transported over land, which was costly and took a long time. Shipping became more and more important as more lands and resources were discovered.

Most other civilizations were more insulated and concerned with internal politics and religion. It took Europeans to force some other civilizations to open up, such as the Chinese and Japanese Empires, and both have modern economies and institutions due to that fact.

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Q: Why were the Europeans the first to circumnavigate the globe?
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First voyage to circumnavigate the globe?

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Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe was?

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Ferdinand Magellan led the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the globe, but he died before he finished the voyage. His crew made it back however. he was the first leader to circumnavigate however, it was not sure if he really the one who succesfully traveled all around the globe because he has a company who already traveled the world before him. He was said to be the first to circumnavigate the earth

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Ferdinand Magellan

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Ferdinand Magellan

Who was the first to circumnavigate the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

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Ferdinand Magellan

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