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It wasn't easy, there was a lot of war (eg. Boer War against dUTCH AND bRITISH, in South Africa) I am from SA

ANSWER: ANywaz the point is that, European Nations were the most powerful at that time, they could take over and do whatever they wanted

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Annabel Jacobs

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Q: Why were Europeans so easily able to divide Africa among themselves?
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What fact caused Africa to be more easily conquered by the Europeans?

THEY COLONIZE AFRICA BCAUSE THEY HAD MORE MONEY AND STUFF THE COULDNT AFFORD^^^Firstly, this question is misleading because it wasn't "easy" to colonize Africa. They colonized Africa, possibly catalyzed by the internal oppression (religious, gender, etc.) within Europe during that era in history. There was wide spread greed and corruption which spilled over into the continent of Africa. It was the first leg in the Trans-Atlantic Enslavement.Another possibly reason was the ego-centric culture of the [ancient] Europeans. At the time, most europeans were [still] ignorant to the full histories and cultures of Africa. They still thought the world was flat, for crying out loud./They incorrectly credited the Greeks with the foundation of civilization. This was because the Greeks incorrectly credited Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and others (not before condemning and exiling them for bringing and teaching foreign ideals to Greece). Indeed they get credit for founding civilization in Europe, but those very first Greek philosophers received their knowledge of mythology, philosophy, science, etc. from the ancient Egyptians of Africa./It's 2012 AD, let's stop teaching our children fabrications, half-truths and lies.

How did the invention of machine guns influence European states in the 19th century?

It allowed them to more easily conquer and control colonies in Africa and Asia.

What advantages did Europeans have over people elsewhere in the world during the late 1800s?

During the late 1800s, Europeans had multiple advantages over people elsewhere in the world. These advantages included advanced military technology, such as superior firearms and artillery, which enabled them to easily subdue and dominate other regions. Europeans also had superior naval power, allowing them to establish colonies and control trade routes. Additionally, Europeans benefited from the Industrial Revolution, which boosted their economic and industrial capabilities, leading to technological advancements and greater wealth.

How did social change in Europe contribute to European expansion overseas?

For the most part, European powers were ruled by monarchies. Perhaps only in France, after the French Revolution, were governments not led by monarchs.The Renaissance helped Europe on an intellectual basis, as did the Enlightenment. If anything, the increased powers of central governments led to an awareness that growth and power could more easily be improved by developing colonial empires. In a certain way, this expanded the so-called business class or middle classes that saw the profit in overseas expansion.

What problems did Europeans have to overcome in order to find an all water route to Asia?

For an all-water route to Asia, the Europeans had to first build ships that were strong enough to travel the far distance involved and large enough to hold plenty of goods (otherwise the journey wouldn't be worth the trouble). Then there is the issue of finding a good route to sail. Captains were forced to navigate alongside coastlines because a practical navigation tool hadn't been invented until the late 15th century. Thus, in order to get to Asia, ships had to venture down to the tip of South Africa and then all the way up around the other side, which sometimes took years to go just one way. By the late 1400s, mariners began using a tool called an astrolabe to navigate. They could now find their latitude by measuring the Sun and stars, and thus could travel away from the coastlines. The primary star that Europeans used with the astrolabe was Polaris (AKA the North Star) since it was only one degree away from true north and could easily be spotted. The problem with this, however, was that the North Star could only be seen from the Northern Hemisphere! So when the Europeans attempted to travel south using the astrolabe, they usually got lost.

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How was it possible for the Europeans to take over a continent more than 3 times the size of Europe in 30years?

Europeans have been the most technologically advanced and most weapon advanced since the start of imperialism. They mostly took over the Americas, Africa, and Oceania. The natives to these lands were not technologically advanced or familiar with the Europeans' powerful weapons. The Europeans were able to take over very easily because there was basically no challenge. However, as time went by, the natives started acquiring such weapons themselves, usually by the Europeans themselves, and more and more countries started becoming independent.

What big advantage did the Europeans have over the people of Africa that helped them take control of most of the continent?

The Europeans had large advantages over opposition in Africa. Namely: Weapons (Cannons, Rifles, and Gattling Guns) Tactics (They easily defeated African Tribes who's only Tactic was charging over the enemy) Official Armies (The Europeans had Highly Trained Combat Soldiers who were completely prepared to fight at little notice) Unity (Although Europeans were far from one country they had come to an agreement which kept them from fighting amongst themselves)

Why was Africa colonized so easily by the Europeans?

Because African leaders were so happy to exchange their prisoners-of-war for cheap English goods like crockery and linen.

Why were European nations able to divide Africa among themselves so easily?

It wasn't easy, there was a lot of war (eg. Boer War against dUTCH AND bRITISH, in South Africa) I am from SA ANSWER: ANywaz the point is that, European Nations were the most powerful at that time, they could take over and do whatever they wanted

How was it possible that a continent the size of Africa was taken over so easily and quickly by European nations?

Technological advantage. Europeans were better at metal working and had Guns. Africa back then didn't really have nations, but tribes. And these were quite happy to fight internally too. Meaning the Europeans rarely met any big organized resistance.

What fact caused Africa to be more easily conquered by the Europeans?

THEY COLONIZE AFRICA BCAUSE THEY HAD MORE MONEY AND STUFF THE COULDNT AFFORD^^^Firstly, this question is misleading because it wasn't "easy" to colonize Africa. They colonized Africa, possibly catalyzed by the internal oppression (religious, gender, etc.) within Europe during that era in history. There was wide spread greed and corruption which spilled over into the continent of Africa. It was the first leg in the Trans-Atlantic Enslavement.Another possibly reason was the ego-centric culture of the [ancient] Europeans. At the time, most europeans were [still] ignorant to the full histories and cultures of Africa. They still thought the world was flat, for crying out loud./They incorrectly credited the Greeks with the foundation of civilization. This was because the Greeks incorrectly credited Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and others (not before condemning and exiling them for bringing and teaching foreign ideals to Greece). Indeed they get credit for founding civilization in Europe, but those very first Greek philosophers received their knowledge of mythology, philosophy, science, etc. from the ancient Egyptians of Africa./It's 2012 AD, let's stop teaching our children fabrications, half-truths and lies.

Why were the native Americas so easily subdued by europeans?

Projectile weapons. AKA, guns.

Can cheetahs be easily found?

No. Only in areas of Africa.

Europeans tried to enslave native America first but found it too difficult and turned to Africa for slaves insted true or false?

true. the native Americans were to easily diseased and always found ways to escape. African slaves didn't pose such problems.

How to easily calculate cost expressed in kg to grams?

Divide by 1000.

What physical features of Europe enabled its people to move easily beyond its borders to other parts of the world?

The fact that Europe is a peninsula and is mostly surrounded by water. This allowed for Europeans to easily sail the seas and travel the world.

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Compatible numbers can easily be divided mentally.