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Because the Cold War was between the two greatest global superpowers: USSR and USA, many other countries found themselves under their influence.

For example, during Stalin's sweep of Eastern Europe so as to create a "Soviet sphere of influence", Albania, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria and the Baltic States became Communist, and were affected by the changes the USSR implemented.

Cuba got involved in the early '60s because Castro (a Communist revolutionary) became president, and formed an alliance with USSR that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis- and subsequently almost led to the USSR and USA almost blowing each other up, which would obviously capture world attention.

China also turned Communist in the late 1940s thanks to the lasting influence of the Russian Revolution. And let's not forget Vietnam, half of which became Communist, forcing the French to start fighting with the North Vietnamese, and then consequently the USA.

The Suez Crisis in Israel/Palestine was happening in the 1950s during the Cold War, and because the Allies were attending to that, Hungary was crushed by Soviet forces after the country attempted to break away from the Warsaw Pact. So it all really comes down to three factors:

1. The sheer length of time this war lasted for (over 50 years)

2. All the "sub-wars" that came about within the Cold War

3. The near-nuclear level things got to, which would have meant the end of the world.'s not accurate to say that the "whole world" was involved in the Cold War. Look at most neutral countries: Australia, Scandinavia, Canada, Brazil, most of Africa, India etc.

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