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The treaty was called the Treaty of Versailles. It was a treaty that severely punished Germany for their atrocities and brutality and blamed Germany for the war. The treaty made Germany pay out millions in reparations, get rid of their military, stop manufacturing war products, turn over war items to other nations and a lot of other things were in the treaty. The Treaty had crippled the economy of Germany. People were starving, homeless, jobless and it was all due to the 14 points of the Treaty of Versailles. See the Link Below.

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False, Germany were blamed.

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How did World War 1 hurt Germany's nation?

They were blamed for starting the war after the Versailles treaty and the Paris Peace Treaty. After the war, they had to pay for all of the damages that they caused in Europe, which cause their economy to be greatly effected.

What was the treaty that blamed Germany in world war 1?

It was called the Treaty of the Versailles. See related link below.

What problems did Germans face after World War I?

The German government was forced to sign a peace treaty,which gave up 13% of their territory. they were basically blamed for starting World War 1 and had to pay for the damages.

What was the name of the World War 1 peace treaty?

The Treaty of Versialles. they blames the French, British and Americans blamed Germany for everything.

What is the Treaty of Versailles and what was the result of it?

The treaty of versaille was a peace treaty at the end of World War 1. The treaty was received badly in Germany because they were blamed for the war. the treaty is linked to the rise of Hitler in WW2

Was chamberlain responsible for starting World War 2?

No - Hitler was blamed for starting the war.

Was Germany responsible for starting both World War I and World War 2?

No. Austria started world war 1, however Germany was blamed on starting it and had to sign a treaty accepting ALL responsibility for the damage. Germany started world war 2. WW1-no because Austria-Hungary started it but Germany had to sign the treaty of Versailles WW2 did start because of Germany because of the German dictator Adolph Hitler.

Why was Germany excluded from the league of nations?

One reason Germany was excluded was because they were blamed for starting World War I. Also, Germany supported neither the League of Nations nor the Treaty of Versailles.

What country was blamed for World War 1 in the Treaty of Versailles?

Hitler placed the blame on the Jewish. After the treaty Germany owed a lot of money and it was mostly the Jewish who was in control of Germany's finances. So when the Germans were looking for someone to blame, Hitler placed the blame on the Jews wish lead to the Holocaust.

How was World War 1 abolished?

umm plzz specify but... a treaty was singed and they blamed it all on the Germans that's about the jest of it