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WW2 was as horrible as it gets. over 2% of the worlds population died, and millions of innocent civillians were murdered. over 1.5 million children were slaughtered. A helpful thing to research was the Polish Warsaw Bombing. Also look up Kazimiera Mika, a 10 year old Polish Girl whos sister was shot down by German Machine gunners during the Warsaw Raid. her story was one of the most famous in WW2, Aswell as the images taken as she cries over the death of her sister. the images portray sadness and you truly feel for the girl. the images taken just prove how horrible WW2 was back then. Kasimiera Mika currently lives on in her senior years.

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Q: Why was World War 2 so horrible?
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The condition was horrible. Many buildings were destroyed in battles and bombing raids.

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