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Q: Why was Gandhi for the Indians fighting with the British in world war 1?
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In world war 1 why was there any fighting in the middle east?

The British were fighting against the Turks, aided as they were by the Germans, in Iraq & Palestine.

An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind?

Mahatma Gandhi.

What led the British government to take control of India?

AnswerEnglish businessmen first came to India in 1612 as the English East India Company in pursuit of the spice trade. Until the early 1700s, they competed with other European trading companies. With the decline of the Mughal Empire, English influence increased. Then, in 1757, as part of the world-wide Seven Years War between the English and French, the French East India Company with their Bengali allies attacked the English East India Company in West Bengal about 150 km north of Calcutta. The British came to India to look for spices. and gold and silver but when they saw that Indians were fighting among themselves they eventually took control over India. The Indians then saw that the Britishers came to India for wealth but they were taking control of their land. The Britishers stole Indian things and became very rich. They asked Indians to give their land to them but Indians didn't agree with that and tried their best to get independent and free. People like mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Jawarharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose comforted the people by giving them hope that one day they will get independent. They gave their lives to help India get free and independent. The Britishers were expecting Indians to change their religion and become Christians. The Indians started wearing British clothes, shoes and tried to follow British fashion and technology but Gandhiji told people to burn British clothes and start follow our religion and culture.the Britishers colonized India for almost 200 years. but finally India got freedom on 15th august 1947. just after one year Dr. Ambedkar finished writing the constitution and laws of India on 26th January which is celebrated as republic day.The Indians struggled a lot and salute to those people who died and helped India to get independent.

How do the Indians believe the world was created?

The Indians believe the world was not created. They believe that the universe has always been in existence and will never come to an end.

Name a book on Mahatma Gandhi written by Jawaharlal Nehru?

There were no books on Mahatma Gandhi which were written by Jawaharlal Nehru. There were books which Jawaharlal Nehru did foreword about Mahatma Gandhi. One such book was Mahatma Volumes 1 through 8.

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The Indians were fighting on the side of which country?

During World War I and World War II, Indians fought on the side of the British Empire. Many Indian soldiers served in the British Indian Army and British armed forces.

What did Gandhi want?

He wanted Indian independence. He wanted the British to move out of India. He wanted Indians to treat each other like brothers and sisters no matter what religion. He wanted peace, equality, freedom, and love.

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Gandhi was a man of values... Believed by so many indians & some people in the world. But the fact remains that Gandhi was a selfish.

What was one of Mohandas gandhi goals for the Indians nationalist movement following World War 2?

Answer this question… To unite Muslims and Hindus in resistance against British colonialism

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Can you tell everything about Gandhi?

Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. He believed in peace and no fighting. Gandhi went without food for 21 days to protest Britain.

Why did the other countries attack in world war 2?

During the world war 2 the british was fighting with the middle east countries the other coutries were asked to help some countries such as british asked help for indians and muslims in ww1

Who was fighting in the French Indian war?

France and England were fighting world wide for supremacy. In North America the French and Native American allies fought against the British army and English settlers in the 13 colonies.

How did mahatma Gandhi support world war 1?

he was a non vioent guy as he helped the Indians with there problems

How did Mahandas Gandhi make history?

Mohandas Gandhi changed the world , in a big way he proved to the entire world that independence can be got without fighting or even firing a single bullet.

What did gandhi use to show the world british injustices?

In order to show the world British injustices, in March 1930 Gandhi launched a Satyagraha against the tax on salt. He marched 241 miles, with thousands of people joining him. This was called the Salt March.

How did Mohandas Gandhi influence the independence movement?

Gandhi and his non violence movement played a big part in India s independence struggle. Gandhi was the main inspiration for movement for indian independence. He led the campaign to defeat colonialism in this country, and for that reason he is honoured as the father of the nation. It was during world war two he led to quit india campaign to get britain to leave india immediately.