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Women in World War 1 served as nurses, nurse aids, Red Cross workers and took up the slack of men being on the war front. They worked in businesses and other jobs done by men including weapons manufacturing. Without the women in both wars the wars would have been difficult to fight and supply. Women were the backbone of both wars.

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Q: Why is women important in World War I?
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Who was important during World War 1?

The Women were very important during World War one.

What was the most important job done by women in world war 2?

the most important job done by the women during the war was to work in the munitions factory

How important were the roles of the women in world war 2?

They weren't that important unless you were an entertainer for the soldiers or a nurse.

How did the role of women become so important in World War 1?

the women were important in many ways one is that they treated the wounded. hi Gary

Why was Rosie the Riveter important during World War 2?

Women who worked in factories.

How did women contribute to America's war effort in World War 2?

American women played important roles during world war II, both at home and is not only did they give sons husbands fathers and brothers to the war effort.

Analyze the World War 1-era poster below. How does this image illustrate the idea of total war that emerged during World War 1?

It highlights the roles of factory workers and women as part of the war effort.

What was the most important achievement for women during world war 1?

Gaining new opportunities and jobs

What was the role of women during WWI?

women played a very important role during world war 1. While men were out fighting in the war, women went out of the homes to the mills to help in the production process.

Why were women important during ww1?

Women were extremely important during World War I. Since the men were off fighting, the women were needed for labor in the factories. They also were nurses and drove ambulances to care for the soldiers.

What did women do in World War I that is about World War 1?

in WW1 (world war 1) women were making food in factory and weapons for the solders

Did women have an important role in Japanese home front in World War 2 like Rosie?

/no because women were stupid in the past fee Hudson