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The French were defeated by the Prussians in 1871-it was called the Franco-Prussian War. Napolean III was humiliated by the Prussians under Von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm I. It was after that, the German states were united into Germany.

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Q: Why does France have a grudge against Germany before World War 1?
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What is werguild?

"Wer" means "human" or "man" (this is also the root for terms like "werewolf") and "guild" refers to coin. Quite literally this means "man payment." In some old cultures, a werguild was submitted to the family of a man who was slain, made by the person who killed him. If no payment was made, that family could seek revenge or declare a blood debt on the person who originally did the killing. However, if the payment was fairly given, then no retribution could be sought and no grudge held against the killer. This practice continues in some ways in the modern world, although not under the same term or concept. Courts often award monetary damages to suing parties where a someone has been wronged (usually injured or sometimes killed).

What opinion about Russian society does Leo Tolstoy express in this excerpt from The Death of Ivan Ilyich?

The awful, terrible act of his dying was, he could see, reduced by those about him to the level of a casual, unpleasant, and almost indecorous incident (as if someone entered a drawing room defusing an unpleasant odour) and this was done by that very decorum which he had served all his life long. He saw that no one felt for him, because no one even wished to grasp his position. Only Gerasim recognized it and pitied him. And so Ivan Ilyich felt at ease only with him. He felt comforted when Gerasim supported his legs (sometimes all night long) and refused to go to bed, saying: "Don't you worry, Ivan Ilyich. I'll get sleep enough later on," or when he suddenly became familiar and exclaimed: "If you weren't sick it would be another matter, but as it is, why should I grudge a little trouble?" Gerasim alone did not lie; everything showed that he alone understood the facts of the case and did not consider it necessary to disguise them, but simply felt sorry for his emaciated and enfeebled master. Once when Ivan Ilyich was sending him away he even said straight out: "We shall all of us die, so why should I grudge a little trouble?"-expressing the fact that he did not think his work burdensome, because he was doing it for a dying man and hoped someone would do the same for him when his time came.

What event blinded the major Greek states to the threat from Macedonia?

After the Peloponnesian war, the city states were dishevelled. This gave the opportunity for Philip II to build a professional army, innovate his fighting equipment and strategies and build his wealth. He then proceeded to secure his northern borders against foreign threat and begin to work uniting the Greeks into one nation that could be used to combat the might of Persia. He used many tactics, some diplomatic, some subversive and some with outright force. Athens held the place of hegemony among the Greeks, and the orator Demosthenes, who had a personal grudge against Philip for snubbing him at the Macedonian court, tried to warn the Athenians of Philips intent to take the leadership of Greece.he warned:[10] When, Athenians, will you take the necessary action? What are you waiting for? Until you are compelled, I presume. But what are we to think of what is happening now? For my own part I think that for a free people there can be no greater compulsion than shame for their position. Or tell me, are you content to run round and ask one another, "Is there any news today?" Could there be any news more startling than that a Macedonian is triumphing over Athenians and settling the destiny of Hellas?Demosthenes. Demosthenes with an English translation by J. H. Vince, M.A. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1930.As the eminent historian J. B. Bury writes:As the hegemony or first place among Greek states had passed successively from Athens to Sparta, and to Thebes, so now it passed to Macedon. The statement that Greek liberty perished on the plain of Chaeronea is as true or as false as that it perished on the field of Leuctra or the strand of the Goat's River.Whenever a Greek state became supreme, that supremacy entailed the depression of some states and the dependency or subjection of others. Athens was reduced to a secondary place by Macedon, and Thebes fared still worse; but we must not forget what Sparta, in the day of her triumph, did to Athens, or the more evil things which Thebes proposed.

Why did the royalists lose at marston moor?

they won because Oliver Cromwell's iron sides fought off the kings cavalry, enabling them to gallop to the rescue of the infantry. What is written above is perfectly true! But Parliament had double the men the King had. Parliament having 13,600 whilst the King had some 7500 horse and foot! The total numbers involved are oftimes disputed! What isn't is that Parliament had a two to one majority ! Also Cromwell had the new model army being well paid so more reliable, had much more trainig than the old one, their weapons and armour was of better quality and they were much more disciplined.

How did the rich poor and middle class start?

It is proposed that this is a natural form of societies development, from earlier stages of development. In "Tribal" societies you had 3 basic classes, the "Young" who were unable to work (produce) the production class (middle age) and the old who produced less, but knew more. In Middle Aged societies you often found "Caste" based systems, as in lower class people who handled all the necessary grudge work (cleaning sewers, dealing with the dead, etc.) the 'production' class (craftsmen: blacksmith's etc), and then the 'ruling' class. Its necessary to understand "money" at this point, as between these two types of society the biggest change was the creation of money; pre-money it was a barter system, then the transition was the creation of 'bills' for trade. To detail this by example - pretend you had Chickens and wanted to trade for a Plow, but the man with the Plow wanted a Cow. It just so happens the man with the Cow wants Chickens, so, you get a "bill" - "Good for one Cow" and give him your Chickens, take the "bill" to the man with the Plow - and everyone is Happy. This system was refined to eventually create money. When you combine the "Caste" type system with a "Money" type system (as society naturally progresses) you end up with the 'classes' you asked about. Although there is a lot of argument about what defines each class, it is in all essence a antiquated classification system of a primitive society (that we are still dealing with).

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How do you use the word grudge in a sentence?

I hold a grudge against my dad for beating my mother.

Did john proctor have a grudge against anyone during the trials?

John proctor had a grudge against michelle Obama for cutting school lunches down

What does have it in for you mean?

'To have it in for you' means 'to bear a strong grudge against you'.

Are grudges real?

Of course grudges are real. People hold grudges against each other all the time. There are probably at least a few people whom you hold a grudge against: people who bullied you in school, or a co-worker who made up lies about you, or a friend who betrayed you.It's normal to hold a grudge against people who have hurt you. Everyone has held a grudge at one time or another.If you're asking whether the curse shown in The Grudgemovies is real, then, a curse and a grudge are not the same thing. In The Grudge movies, it was the woman's grudge against her husband that caused the curse.I suggest you look up the word, "grudge" in the dictionary. It is an extremely common word and there is no excuse for not knowing what it means.

What is The Grudge's name?

The movie is called The Grudge because the scary blue woman and her little boy hold an eternal grudge against the boy's father (her husband) for murdering them. The Grudge is not a person. The woman herself is not The Grudge; she's the person who HAS The Grudge (along with her son), and that grudge formed a curse over the house.The scary woman from The Grudge is named Kayako Saeki. Her son, the little boy, is Toshio Saeki.

What is a sentence with grudge in it?

She held a deep grudge against him for betraying her trust.

Did abigail williams bear a grudge against anyone?

yes he did do it

Did Rebecca nurse bear a grudge against anyone in the community?


Do the English still hold a grudge against the US?

I don't think that they have ever held a grudge against the US although there has always been a friendly rivalry between the two countries.

What does Je lui en veux mean?

En vouloir means to be angry at or to hold a grudge (against somebody). So, "je lui en veux" means "I am angry at/am holding a grudge against him."

Grudge in a sentence?

She held a grudge against her coworker for taking credit for her idea.

Why do ghost live?

They always seem to have a connection, grief, or grudge against something.