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because we were a bunch of nomiadic hunter gatherer tribes that lived off what the land could provide, in small groups; then moved on, having no common language, culture, ideals, dreams or hope for the future, future was not even a thought, only the then and there was important.

agrigulture allowed larger groups oif people to stay in one place, developing common languages, culture, ideals, and hope of the future, for instead of living off what the land couold provide, we forced the land into providing more of what we needed when we needed it, that takes planning that means thinking of the future.

This is hands down the most important event in human history, its arguably when we stopped being primitives and began being true humans. even tho our body type and dna wouold say otherwise, we were in fact homo-sapiens long before the development of agriculture

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Q: Why do some historians consider the agricultural revolution the most important event in history?
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Why might some historians consider Adam Smith one of the most influential people in history?

Adam Smith create the ideology of capitalism, which helped propel the Industrial Revolution, allowing for complete Western superiority in manufacturing. It has also resulted in the creation of trans-national corporations.

By what standards do historians consider a nation to be a world power?

Historians use strong leadership and structured government to determine whether a nation is a world power. The strength of the military is often considered as well.

What are the three major results of the four years of conflict in world war 1?

There were many major results from WW I, which was a very influential event in human history, but I can select what I consider to be the 3 most important, which are: the end of the ruling dynasties of both Germany and Austro-Hungary, the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, and the Bolshevik Revolution.

One immediate effect long term effect of the French Revolution?

What we now consider the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of human life, "civil rights", the equality of all humans under the law, things in other words that we take for granted today were all the result of the French revolution of 1789. Its constituents greatly influenced the American revolutionaries who went on to compose the Constitution of the US based on the enlightenment ideals that preceded the French revolution.

What are 3 paragraphs about why the typewriter was important and how it made a turning point in history i need an answer fast pleasse?

don't expect to get fast answers here! perhaps you should consider learning how to do your own research for assignments.

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