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Humans rule the world because of a few different factors. First and foremost, our brains are more developed than any other species on the Earth. Second, we have opposable thumbs and we are bipedal, making us capable of using tools and creating things.

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Q: Why do people rule the world?
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Answer: This is such a funny question to me. No particular race of man rules this world. You can be black and rule this world. You can be Mexican and rule this world. So stop looking at people by the color of their freakin skin. We are ONE race and ONE race only!----HUMAN!Answer: For the most part, white people are the dominating race in almost all countries as they may have the most political power and influence even if they are not the majority. So, in a way, yes, white people do rule the world.

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Is this a wish of yours or a fear? Gay people are only 3 to 8 percent of the population. It wouldn't be easy to rule the world if your numbers aren't strong. Unless of course you had money. Even then you are looking at a sure revolt. People, gay, straight or other wise, I'm sure, value individial freedom. So, I'm not sure that anybody should rule anybody else, much less rule the entire world.

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Why don't some people want to make peace?

Because they are terrible people and wish to rule the world someday and believe in war

Why is Ayran people important in the Holocaust?

as it is bekieved that aryans are the people who lived in this world from starting n for this reason hitler believed that germans are aryans and they have the right to rule the whole world.