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Q: Why did the triangular trade continue even though it devastated the lives of millions of people?
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His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

Why did Kerensky's decision to continue fighting the war cost him to support of the Russian people?

His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

Why did Kerensky's decision to continue fighting the war cost him support of the Russian people?

His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

Why did Kerensky decision to continue fighting the war cost him the support of the Russian people?

His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

Why did Kerenskys decision to continue fighting the war cost him the support of the Russian people?

His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

Why did Kerensky's decision to continue fighting the war cost him the support of the Russians?

His people wanted no part in the war. The first battle they took place in the Russian army was devastated.

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millions of people millions of people millions of people ^True, but not aa figure