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Most of the lands conquered by Muslim armies were not for the sake of spreading Islam. They were mostly defensive wars. In some cases the local people invited the Muslims to liberate them from the yoke of the dictatorial rules of their cruel kings. As a matter of fact no nation should rule another nation without her will. All nations and peoples should live peacefully respecting the sovereignty of others. No country should invade the lands of others.

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Yasmine Welch

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Q: Why did the Muslims want to conquer so much land?
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Why is France want the treaty to be so harsh Germany after World War 1?

A lot of French soldiers were killed and much of France's land was devastated from the war.

Why did the European nations want to conquer the Americas?

They wanted to conquer America because they thought the Red Indians there were dumb and couldn't defend themselves while they could. America also had a lot of resources like bison for food, land for farming, forest for development, large river systems and etc. It was also believed it was a good trading spot for fellow trespassers like merchants and pirates. It was economically good for the center of the trading routes around the world and as it was large they thought it could be easy to spread their people around it as space was running out in England. They also had the ambition to conquer all the places in sight and to make or establish a better world for their people.

Who controlled the trade between Asia and Europe in the 1400s?

I think the Ottoman Empire did because the Silk Road, which was the main trade route between Europe and Asia, ran through their land. So they could shut it down by putting their sodiers on the Silk Road, which they did. But if you just want the answer, it was the Ottoman Empire.

What did Germany want to do if they had won World War 1?

Try to gain more land.

What did queen Isabella and king Ferdinand want Columbus to find?

They wanted Columbus to discover new lands for them to conquer and colonize and beat Portugal in the race to the east. The also wanted riches from these newly found lands such as spices, gold, silver, cotton etc

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Why did other groups of people want to conquer Egypt What impact did this have on nubia?

Because there was much gold there to find.

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Dual purpose wealth & power religion is power They believed it was a sacred place

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The Pope wanted the crusaders to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land and return control to Christians.

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