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Q: Why did people blame Germany in World War 1?
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What war caused germany to take the blame for the war?

Germany was forced to take all the blame for World War I as dictated in the Treaty of Versailles.

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Who was to blame for World War 2 besides Germany?

Japan, too.

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Was Germany solely to blame for the war and signed the clause without regret?

It depends on which war. If you are asking about World War 1, I would say no. I think Austria-Hungary should get most of the blame. In World War 2, I would say Germany was to blame, but I will also add that other countries were headed for war anyway regardless of anything that Germany did.

Do you agree that Germany was Entirely to Blame for the First world war?

This is an opinion type question, of course. Who is to blame on how the war startedwill be different from the blame for why it was not stopped or on how the war was fought. Most historians would say that no one country was entirely to blame for the First World War. Actually most people that participated in the war would say that the cause of the start of the war was complicated and that several countries were to blame. Now after the war started, Germany's decisions can be questioned. Germany, as the military aggressor on the Western Front, could have ended the war years sooner, but it didn't. Germany can be blamed for many things, including invading neutral countries and sinking neutral ships.

What was the treaty that ended world war 1 and blame Germany for starting the war?

Treaty of Versailles

Who was forced to take blame for for World War 1 and sign war guilt cause?


What was the war guilt clause of World War 1?

The war guilt clause forced Germany to take all the blame for World War I.

What country was given all of the blame for World War 1?

Germany was largely blamed for World War 1. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, placed full responsibility for the war on Germany and its allies and imposed large reparations on them. This blame contributed to the political and economic instability in Germany during the post-war period.

Should world war 2 be blamed on Germany?

Yes, the blame for World War 2 rests primarily with Germany and Japan. They made the decision to start a war of aggression.

How did the treaty of versilles punish Germany for its role in the war?

It forced Germany to accept blame blame for starting the war