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Q: Why did europeans discovered this new world?
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When did the Europeans discover the new world?

The vikings are believed to have discovered the new world first but Christopher Columbus "discovered the new world" in 1629

What does the new world mean and how does it affect the slave trade?

the new world is the world that Columbus discovered for the Europeans. If it was not for the new world the slave trade could have easily died out.

How did the Europeans explore the New World?

The Europeans explored the New World with ships.

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Which voyages gave Europeans new knowledge of the world?

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How has Christopher Columbus changed the world today?

Although many negative things can be said about Christopher Columbus, it was his imagination and courage that by accident led Europeans into the Western Hemisphere. Whether Erick the Red " discovered" the New World first does not really matter as his voyages did little to have Europeans colonize the "New World".

What are the continets of the new world?

The continents of the New World are North America and South America. This term is often used to refer to the landmasses discovered by Europeans during the Age of Exploration.

What was the last continent to be discovered by Europeans?

Antarctica, in the 1800s, was the last continent to be discovered by Europeans.

In what manner did europeans explore and exploit lands and peoples they discovered?

Europeans approached the lands and peoples they discovered as new possessions they had gained. In this view the riches of the land, along with its people belonged to them by right of conquest.

The sailor who discovered the new world?

Christopher Columbus is considered to be the sailor who discovered the New World.

What specific recourse did the Europeans want from the new world?

The Europeans wanted gold from the new world. Other desired resources were silver, copper and food.