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It was, Maximilien Robespierre.

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Q: Whose reign was known as the reign of terror?
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Whose reign was called the Reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror is also known simply as "The Terror."

The dismantling of the machinery of the reign of terror is known as?

The thermidorean reaction was the dismantling of the machinery of the reign of terror. The Reign of Terror occurred in France from 1793 to 1794.

What is maximilien robespierre best known for?

He is noteworthy in history as the creator or the Reign of Terror.

What famous war lead to the Reign of Terror?

The answer would be the French War. The Reign of Terror is also known as The Terror or la Terreur in French. This began in September of 1793 and ended in July of 1794.

What era of reign of terror is sometimes given what name?

The Reign of Terror started two months into the French Revolution. A less well known name is, "la Grande Terreur" or "Great Terror".

Maximilien Robespierre led France during which phase of the Revolution?

The Reign of Terror.

Was Germany the Reign of Terror?

Germany had the Holocaust. France had the Reign of Terror.

The period known as the Reign of Terror was part of what larger phenomenon?

The French Revolution.

Nearly 18000 revolutionists were executed during the period known as the .?

reign of terror

What is the period when Maximilien Robespierre executed people with the guillotine known as?

The Reign of Terror.

Why do they call the Reign of Terror the Reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror was called The reign of Terror because hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Royalists, people who supported the Royalists and anyone who was thought to be a threat was violently beheaded.

The reign or terror whose death ended?

The King and the Queen, plus as many as 40,000 others including Robespierre.