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Q: Who were the first people on the American continents to develop an empire?
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What was the fastest way to connect people on different continents in the 1500s?

Where continents were land bordered, such as North America and South America, then connections could be accomplished by horses, walking and cats pulled by oxen. When the continents are oceans apart, such as Europe and North America then sea travel by ships were the only way possible in the 1500's.

Who crowned Charlemagne emperor?

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor in St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, on December 25, 800 AD. At the time he crowned Charlemagne, he referred to the empire as the Roman Empire. Today, historians call Charlemagne's empire the Carolingian Empire, but at the time, people in Western Europe called it the Roman Empire, as Pope Leo III had. The people of the Byzantine Empire of the time, who had always called their country the Roman Empire, and would as long as it existed, were not very happy about this. The Carolingian Empire divided into France, and a country we call the Holy Roman Empire, but which called itself the Roman Empire for some time. If all this sounds confusing, imagine how it sounded to the people of the time. There are a links below.

What was the fastest way to connect people on continents in the 1500s?

Where continents were land bordered, such as North America and South America, then connections could be accomplished by horses, walking and cats pulled by oxen. When the continents are oceans apart, such as Europe and North America then sea travel by ships were the only way possible in the 1500's.

The Gupta Empire resisted invasions by these people for a long time?


When the Chin or Qin people form their first empire?

206 BC

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Who were the first people to develop an empire on the American continents?

Red Indians

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to come build a society

By the time of European contact in 1492 approximately how many people inhabited the American continents?

Although no one can know for sure, it is believed there were upwards of twenty five million natives on the continents.

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The plural, proper noun 'Americans' is a concrete noun as a word for the people of the United States or the people of the American continents. People are physical beings.

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After the American revolution the people were happy because they gained their independence and they started to develop the United States Of America.

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its about 7997 people for the average American at the height of 5'5"!