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Officially, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. They were the last real King and Queen of France.

After the Napoleonic period (who turned France into an empire), the French monarchy was restored for some time, but only as a constitutional monarchy, meaning there were a King and Queen of France, but only in name. It was purely a title and they had no real reigning power. The last king and queen of that constitutional monarchy were Louis Philippe I and Maria Amalia (Marie Antoinette's niece).

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15y ago

That was King Louis XVI of France.

He and his wife (Queen Marie Antoinette) were beheaded during the revolution in 1793.

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15y ago

There were a lot of Kings of France before 1780, but the last one was also the one who was still in power then, Louis XVI of France.

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12y ago

Louis Philippe I was the last king to rule France Emperor Napoleon III was the last monarch

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Louis XVI

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Q: Who was the last french king and when did he die?
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Louis XVI. He was deposed and sent to the guillotine.

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The French Revolution did not last just one day, it lasted 10 years (from 1789 until 1799).

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No one. The absolute monarchy was abolished due to the French Revolution. King Louis was the last king of France.

Who is the old king and queen for France?

The last real King and Queen of France were King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. They both got killed by the French revolutionists during the French revolution in 1793.