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Askia the Great, ie. Askia Mohammed.

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Q: Who was the great leader of the Songhai empire?
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Who is the leader in Songhai?

The Songhai Empire no longer exists. It ended in about 1591.

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Sonni Ali (or Sunni Ali Ber) was the first empire of the Songhai Empire in west Africa.

What leader set up a muslim dynasty in Songhai?

Sunni Ali Ber, a military leader, established the Sunni dynasty in the Songhai Empire in the late 15th century. He expanded the territory and power of the empire through military conquests and strategic alliances.

Can you use Askia the Great in a sentence?

Askia the Great was a famous leader of the Songhai Empire which was in what would be parts of modern-day west Africa.

What was the last Great West African Empire?

Songhai Empire

Why did the Moroccans take over the Songhai kingdom?

The Empire of Mali lasted from the thirteenth to the late fifteenth centuries. The great leader was Mansa Musa. However, his sons were unable to hold the kingdom together after his death. A result, Mali was taken over by the Songhai Empire.

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As of 2021, the current President of Mali, where the historical Songhai Empire was located, is Assimi Goïta, who came to power following a military coup in 2020.

Askia Muhammad was a ruler of what empire?

Songhai empire

What great African empire once ruled Timbuktu?

The Songhai and Mali

Who was the great leader of the Mogul Empire?

Akbar was the great leader of the Mogul Empire.

When did Songhai Empire end?

Songhai Empire ended in 1591.

What are the Three Great emperors of Songhai?

The Three Great emperors of Songhai were actually Two Great emperors of Songhai, which were Sunni Ali and Askia the Great. You could actually consider Musa another Great emperor of Songhai, since he made his father, Askia the Great, leave the throne because Askia the Great became blind, and Musa reigned after him, and then then empire of Songhai collapsed.