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Q: Who was the first person to claim lands in the Americans for Spain and was one of the most important European Explorers was?
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Why was Columbus first voyage important?

Columbus introduced the old world to the new world. He found the Bahamas and was the first of an invasion of Europeans. With him came disease, the loss of lands of Native Americans, and the start of the European invasion of North America.

Why do people use the term 'American' to refer to white people?

Americans aren't always white, and whites aren't always American. A white person is one who is ethnically European. They can trace their ancestry to the continent of Europe and to the Caucasus mountains, from which their earliest ancestors are believed to have originated. An American is a citzen of the United States. Most Americans are European, due to the ties the US and Europe have shared over history. However, not all Americans are European, as there are African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latino-Americans, etc.

Did European Americans immigrate or colonize in the United States?

European Americans colonized in the United States. Immigration is when a person leaves their own country for another country, but according to the Europeans the United States was the "New World" and was not yet a country, thus all the fighting.

How important is punctuality in Italy?

Generally speaking, maybe less than it does in northern European countries but it probably varies from person to person. For some it may be very important.

Who was the first person to discover Arctic Cordillera?

The Arctic Cordillera has been known to Indigenous peoples for centuries. In terms of European discovery, the area was likely first encountered by European explorers in the early 16th century, such as John Cabot or Martin Frobisher.

Person of mixed European and Indian ancestry?

The native Americans and Europeans trace their origin in Asia

What are the most popular European last names?

Hi i am wierd i bet you dont know this answer because some person had to come and earase a list of 1000 earopean explorers but now it is gone bye

Who is a very important person in Arizona?

Marcos de Niza was the first European to explore the area in 1539.

Why was the Native American head dress important?

It was important to Native Americans because they wore it during spiritual ceremonies. It also symbolized a very important person such as a chief.

Who was the first European to realize America was a new world?

The first person to discover America was Christopher Columbus.But technichly the Native Americans were because they were the first one on that land.When Christopher Columbus came there were already Native Americans.