The questions you may want to ask differs on what area you want to know about. Here are some areas for examples: Tanks and Guns During World War 2How civilians coped during the war?Cause of WW2Result/Consequences of World War 2Who was involved?How many people diedHow did it endBattles of World War 2Massacres/Genocide during and after World War 2 e.g. the Holocaust and the Dachau Massacre.There is many more areas. Various areas such as: the Holocaust, Cause of World War 2 can be quitecontroversialand people may have their views abut it.
The religions were involved in worlwar 1 and 2 are jewism and christianaty
It was the State of Israel
At the appropriate grade level, students who can comprehend World War Two, and all or most of the issues involved in that war, should also be taught about the genocide by the Nazi's of 6 million Jews and other "unworthy" peoples. The WW 2 holocaust was an important part of the history of WW 2 and should be taught.
World War 2
it wasn't
She was involved in neither.
World War 2 and the Holocaust.
world war II was the turning point of the century it involved the Holocaust etc.
The holocaust was during World War 2
The Holocaust was during World War 2
the holocaust was in the duration of world war II, ___ Yes, the Holocaust took place during World War 2.
With respect, it seems that you are confusing the Holocaust, that is the murder of about six million Jews by the Nazis during World War 2, with World War 2 itself ... The Holocaust itself involved very little fighting.
World War 2 and the Holocaust was the result.
There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...
No. The Holocaust took place during World War 2, under the cloak of the war, as it were.