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The Kaiser you seek is Wilhelm.

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Q: Who was in power in World War 1 in Germany?
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Which countries fought against Germany in World War 1 but on Germany's side in World War 2?

Japan emerged as a world power, but Germany was weak and humiliated

Was Germany a central peower in World War 1?

yes germany was a central power

Why was Germany identified as a great power in World War 1?

Germany had been the #1 power in Europe since about 1880 at the latest.

What new power enraged at the end of world war 1?


Who were the major axis power in World War 1?

Italy - Japan - Germany .

What are the central power countries of world war 1?

Italy, Germany and Austria-Hugary.

What person was in power in Germany during World War 1?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Which European power had the largest army at the outbreak of World War 1?

GermanyRussia was the European power with the largest army at the outbreak of World War 1. Boasting an army of twelve million. It had a million more than Germany, who came in second.

Was Weimar republic was the democratic government that came to power in Germany following world war 1?


Which country was an Allied Power during World War 1?

It was Germany, Austri-Hungary, and Serbia.

Who comprised the axis power during world war 1?

Germany, Austria, and The Ottoman empire

Did Germany take victory in World War 1?

No. Germany lost World War I.