UNESCO has helped millions of people in the world , forming part of cultural and natural heritage, they have saved many natural resources.
He saved the first permanent English settlement. ;] !!
Most people lived in the countryside as they were mainly farmers.
Dooley Madison saved a portrait of George Washington and Stephen Pleaston saved the constitution and the declaration of independence. All three papers were saved in the burning of Washington D.C. They can be seen today in the white house
Most people tend to live in a warmer climate, especially elderly people. As you age, your bones are more sensetive to the colder climate.
How many people get saved by nurses
11000 thousand people were saved
Ronald Regan is said to have saved 77 people.
That depends on your definition of best. Is it most goals saved, or most goals saved per match played? That depends on your definition of best. Is it most goals saved, or most goals saved per match played?
in your personal folder. for most people its usually C://Users/+your username+/Favourites
they get treated right on timeHow many people get saved by nurses
Well, at least 500 people weren't saved on the Titanic because 705 people died.
the loch ness monster has not saved any people
Most of the Jews in the areas under Nazi control were not saved at all - by anyone - but were killed in the Holocaust. Those Jews that survived did so thanks to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany. There's no single country that can claim to 'have saved the Jews'. However, Denmark can claim to have saved most of its own, Danish Jewish population by shipping them to Sweden before most of them were rounded up for deportation.
He saved Germany by going bankrupt and saved his people.
The French people were saved on D-Day
Almost all people who get saved by investigations and treatment with medical science products are saved by animal research.