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Q: Who ruled much of Middle East until World War 1?
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What did the Seljuk Turks do when they conquered the Middle East?

They adopted the Islamic religion and ruled the Middle East for more than 400 years.

Who controlled the middle east before World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire ruled the Middle East until the end of World War 1. In the interwar period, the Middle East was divided between Turkey, Britain, France, Persia, the Saudi Kingdom, and the Gulf Protectorates and Countries.

What part of the world is Iraq in?

Iraq is in the middle east on the other side of the world.

What statue fell in the middle east that has has great significance in the world?

The latest great statue that fell in the Middle East was that of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It represented the fall of authoritarian dictatorship in that country.

What was it called before it was the Middle East?

The Middle East as a unified land-region only came out of the Middle Ages and the redefinition of the world into Christendom and the Islamic World. Before that point, the Middle East was not a unified region and never referred to as such. The Arabian Peninsula was disregarded completely until the Rise of Islam and was called (and still called) by the natives Jazirat Al-Arabiya (جزيرة العربية ) which means the Arabian Isle. Most of the remainder of the Middle East was part of the Eastern Roman Empire or was part of Persia. The terms Mesopotamia and Levant were quite common in that period as well. When the Arabs controlled all of the Middle East and North Africa, they termed their control in two general regions of the Maghreb (مغرب) and Mashriq (مشرق) which mean the Western and Eastern Regions. The Mashriq refers to the general Arab area in Asia whereas the Maghreb refers to Africa. However, the idea of a geopolitical idea of a region that has vertices at Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and Yemen is a medieval/modern conception that has only really been referred to as the Middle East.

Related questions

Which empire ruled the Middle East from 1500 to World War I?

The Ottoman Empire ruled most of the Middle East from the 1500s until World War 1.

What empire ruled most of the Middle East before World War I?

The Ottoman Empire.

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What did the Seljuk Turks do when they conquered the Middle East?

They adopted the Islamic religion and ruled the Middle East for more than 400 years.

How did World War 1 and the peace conference that followed shape the outlines of today's Middle East?

The map of the middle East,as known today,was shaped by the events of the first world war. The Ottoman Empire ruled a vast territory that included much of the Balkans, Anatolia, The ventral middle east to the borders of iran, and most of North Africa.

Which middle eastern country is ruled by an ayatollah?

THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN is the only country in the world, and specifically in the Middle East, that is currently (or has ever been) ruled by an Ayatollah. (Previous Shiite Theocracies, like the Safavid Empire, were still ruled by monarchs and the Ayatollahs had an advisory role, but no direct power.)

Who were the political rulers of the Middle East during Jesus' lifetime?

The Egyptians ruled the middle east. Rome I believe was at war with them, as to expand their territory and control over the middle east. The eagle seems to always fall eventually. But I believe we will endure as Americans.

Did turkey ever rule most of the world?

No, Turkey has never ruled most of the world. Historically, the Ottoman Empire, with its center in present-day Turkey, ruled a significant portion of the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe, but not the majority of the world.

Where in the world are prisoners guilty until proven innocent?

China the middle east places where oppression is prominent

Who controlled the middle east before World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire ruled the Middle East until the end of World War 1. In the interwar period, the Middle East was divided between Turkey, Britain, France, Persia, the Saudi Kingdom, and the Gulf Protectorates and Countries.

What two empires flourished in the Middle East during the 1500s?

The Safavids ruled in Persia and the Ottomans ruled just about everything else.

What was middle east government before the crusades?

Prior to the Crusades, there was no "unified Middle East government". The dominant countries in the Middle East were the Abbassid and Fatimid Caliphates, which were hereditary monarchies that ruled according to Sunni and Ismaili Shiite jurisprudence respectively.