The word "hello" originally comes from Old French "hola!", meaning "stop, there!". And now is used to greet someone
The word JEHOVAH is a modern hybrid made by inserting the vowels of the word adonai into the tetragrammaton JHVH.
Hello how are you
The word feudalism comes from the Latin word feodum or fuedum. In the feudalism system, land lords made a fair exchange with the peasants. The lords offered peasants food, a fortification,and protection, as they worked for them.
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The words that can be made from the letters in hello are:ellhehellhohoeholelooh
the word hello originated from thomas edison. the guy who made the telephone didn't want to use the word hello when u pick up the phone so he used 'hoy hoy'.
"You Had Me from Hello" is one of the most popular Country songs with the word hello in it. It was made famous by Kenny Chesney
Uhoro is the Kikuyu word for the English word hello.
Hello = Tālofa
Christians think God made the word hello. It was probably one of the first words made, as it's a greeting for everyone. Maybe it was because Adam and Eve said "hello" as their first word, so that might be the thingy.~That bit was by bethanyalice123 password non of your business.
The word for hello in Cajun is "Bonjour."
The Iroquois word for hello is "skennen."
telephone operators invented the word 'hello'.
The Greek word for "Hello" is "γειά σου".
Tagalog translation of Hello: Hello
The word for 'hello' in Konkani is "नमस्कार" (Namaskar).